
The Most Impressive Restaurant Newcomers of 2017

It is the tradition at Eater to end the year with a survey of friends, rovers of the industry, critics and professional eaters. This year, the group were asked eight questions, spanning meal of the year to biggest dining grievance.

Their answers will appear throughout this week. Responses are related in no particular order; cut, pasted, and unedited below.

Earlier today it was restaurant standbys, now it’s time for the most impressive restaurant newcomers in 2017.

Grace Dent, former ES Magazine — and soon-to-be The Guardian — restaurant critic: Westerns Laundry, Ella Canta, Darjeeling Express, Monty’s Deli, Farang.

Adam Coghlan, Eater London editor: Nuala, Koya City, Parsons, Westerns Laundry, Ikoyi, Rochelle Canteen at the ICA, XU, Bibendum. A nod to Motu and The Kitchens in Spitalfields market, too.

Neither are strictly restaurants but both have used nous to create restaurant-quality food in new and innovative ways.

George Reynolds, Eater London contributor (and ~~impressive newcomer~~): Westerns, Bibendum (it’s important, even if I didn’t love it), Pique-Nique, Smoking Goat Shoreditch, Lorne.
