
Karim to event organisers: Approach us | Sarawak News | New Sarawak Tribune Online

SERIAN: Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Abdul Karim Hamzah said his ministry supported events organised by the youth for the community when he launched the First Serian International Bike Wee (FSIBW) here yesterday.

He also hoped that the event would be held on a bigger scale next year.

“We support any events held by the youth for the community. As such, when they organise such an event, they should approach the ministry and we will look into it.

“If the event is suitable and in the interest of the community, the ministry will allocate funds for the event,” Karim said.

Meanwhile, a huge crowd gathered for the event organised by PER3 in collaboration with Serian Motor Club.  It has the potential to draw visitors to the Serian district.

Some 1,500 big bike enthusiasts are participating in the event. Most of them are locals. The foreign participants are from Brunei and Indonesia.

President of Rogue Squadron Motorcycle crew (RSMC) Kuching, Ian Dominic said the three-day event is a new attraction for the Serian district and a good vibe for big bike enthusiasts coming from different parts of the world.

“This event also helps to unite the big bikers and the local community in Serian,” he said, adding that with the good response from locals to the event, Rogue Squadron Motorcycle Crew may organise a casual get-together bike week in Siburan next year.

“Our hope is for the youth to have passion and interest in this activity. We hope to set a good example for them so that this sort of passion doesn’t wither,” Ian said.

An international big biker, Seman Sidin from Tebedu, Indonesia riding alongside Sarawak big biker of Borneo Motorcycle Club Crew said his journey to Serian took him no more than four hours.

“I give a thumb-up for this sort of event here. In my opinion, this event is among the best and I expect more for next year,” Seman said.

He also encouraged the big biker community in his hometown to take interest in riding.

“This is the second time I am coming for a bike week in Sarawak and I really enjoy it as many of my big biker friends are from here and it is good to ride and bond,” he added.

During the event, New Sarawak Tribune came across Yasmina from England and asked for her comment.

“I found out about this event via social media. I’m interested in big bikes and I love to hear the engine roars. I hope to get one (big bike) myself like a Harley (Harley Davidson motorcycle),” she said.