
Henan Province Tourism Administration invites American travel experts to a fantastic Kung Fu journey through Henan

BEIJING, July 6, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — In recent years, the Tourism Administration of Henan Province has been engaged in promotional projects designed to effectively enhance the visibility and interest of Henan tourism in North America. These projects include social media promotion across Henan Tourism‘s social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube), project planning, and online and offline theme promotion activities and are aimed at improving the awareness and fan base of Henan tourism in North America and building up the Henan Tourism brand. At the end of June, the O2O integrated marketing promotional activity with the theme of “Origins of Kung Fu -King of Kung Fu PK Contest” was officially started. The activity invited two highly-influential social media celebrities from North America –  Musician Adan Kohnhorst and Travel Expert Rebbeca Vorisek, to travel in Henan and experience the two Kung Fu styles, “Shaolin” and “Tai Chi”. The trip had the Kung Fu experience, apprenticeship, and study as its core themes so as to inherit, carry forward, and promote the culture of Kung Fu. It also aimed to promote the images of Henan’s profound culture and beautiful natural scenery on various social media platforms overseas through creative video and promotional activities. 

This activity followed Adan and Becca on their journey to “Trace the Origin of Kung Fu” and filmed the process of the two travel experts learning Kung Fu from the masters in the Shaolin Temple Wushu Training Center and Chenjiagou Village of Wenxian County. Adan learned the exquisite skill of Shaolin Boxing, while Becca studied Tai Chi Kung Fu, which couples hardness with softness. The pair followed the roots of Kung Fu as they sought a master to train under and practiced their martial arts in preparation for the PK Contest. In addition, Adan and Becca also visited the Longmen Grottoes, Luoyi City, Shaolin Temple, Yuntai Mountain, Kaifeng, and many other famous attractions in the various cities of Henan. The project team recorded their journey and introduced Henan landscapes, delicacies, and highlights from multiple angles. 

Every day, the fantastic travel moments of Adan and Becca were published on @Discover Henan, the overseas social platform of Henan Tourism. Overseas fans could follow Adan and Becca on their journey through these posts. At the same time, they two d and promoted Henan tourism through photos and videos on their private accounts, telling the story of their unique Kung Fu-themed travel experience in Henan. A video of Adan street dancing during a storm on Yuntai Mountain gained nearly a thousand online interactions. As the activity ended, a creative video about the adventure of the two social media celebrities was released on the @Discover Henan Facebook page. Fans were invited to vote for their “King of Kung Fu”, cementing the experience in the minds of the fans and inviting them to join Henan Tourism‘s extensive base of fans. 

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