
Cegedim: Release of its 2018 Registration Document Paris Stock Exchange:CGM

Financial Information

Boulogne-Billancourt, April 1st, 2019

Cegedim, an innovative technology and services company, announces that its 2018 Registration Document (in French) has been published in compliance with Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) regulations on March 29, 2019, under the number: D.19-0230. The report is available free of charge:

The English version will be uploaded next week.

The 2018 Registration Document includes notably:
– The statement of non-financial performance,
– The report on the conditions under which the board of directors prepared and organized its work, details of its internal control procedures, and the related statutory auditors’ report,
– The information related to the 2018 annual financial report, and
– The table disclosing fees paid to auditors and members of their networks.
