
The Holiday Guru solves traveller queries

From visiting Europe after Brexit to obtaining a visa for Egypt and where to see The Goldfinch: The Holiday Guru solves traveller queries

By Daily Mail Reporter

Published: 13:53 GMT, 9 November 2019 | Updated: 19:07 GMT, 9 November 2019

The Holiday Guru is always on call to answer your questions.

This week how to see The Goldfinch painting in the Netherlands and a query about a city guide to Dubrovnik are on the agenda

Q. We are travelling to Egypt: what is the best way to get a visa? We would prefer to have one ahead of travel.

Dawn Gardner, via email

The Holiday Guru provides advice to reader about how to obtain a visa for Egypt

A. Before travel, apply via — the fee is U.S. $25 paid in sterling. However, if you go to Sharm el Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba and Taba resorts for up to 15 days, you will be given a free entry stamp upon arrival.

Tourist visas are available on arrival at other destinations if you wish to avoid an online application — simply pay U.S. $25 in sterling or American currency. See Egypt’s ‘entry requirements’ on the Foreign Office website (

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Q. Has your ‘for under £100 a night’ city series covered Dubrovnik in Croatia? Is there a best place online to see all the city guides?

Lynn Clayton, via email

An aerial view of Dubrovnik in Croatia, which has become a popular travel destination 

A. Yes, Dubrovnik has featured in our weekly column — to find it, simply search online for ‘Dubrovnik for under £100 Daily Mail’. You can use this method to check all the other cities we’ve highlighted, too (about 40 in all).

Q. When travelling in Europe after Brexit, if I book a 14-night holiday and fly home on the 15th day, will this 15th day be included in my 90-day allowance of permitted travel out of a 180-day period?

Frank Thompson, via email

A. Yes it would be. For a fuller explanation, see

Q. My son is soon taking me to The Hague in the Netherlands to see The Goldfinch, a painting by the Dutch artist Carel Fabritius, in which I have an interest. I assume it will be there, not on loan?

Pauline Brunton, via email

A. It will indeed be on display at the Mauritshuis art museum. Do also check out Johannes Vermeer’s Girl With A Pearl Earring (


For advice, send your questions to [email protected] or write to Daily Mail Travel, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry St, London W8 5TT. Include your contact details.



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