
2019 “Splendid Hunan” Culture and Tourism Promotion Event Series in America

During the event, Hunan demonstrated their abundant cultural tourism resources. Wooden expressed his warmest welcome to the Hunan delegates and his anticipation and confidence in strengthening the culture and tourism cooperation between Los Angeles and Hunan. Gu and Wooden both commented highly on the importance and necessity of strengthening cultural and tourism exchanges between China and the United States.

Xianchun Chen and his team also held a cooperation forum on Friday morning ahead of the promotional event, with representatives from multiple airlines and travel agencies.  The event aimed to seek breakthroughs in four areas. First, to establish a regular exchange between the cultural and tourism departments in Changsha and Los Angeles. Secondly, to expand cooperation with the cultural and tourism associations and travel institutions in Los Angeles. Thirdly, to jointly develop cultural tourism products based on direct flight routes. Fourthly, to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between cultural tourism personnel.

On October 26, 2019, “Taste of Hunan” event was also held by the Hunan team at Pasadena. Jin Wang, Culture counsellor from the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China; Terry Tornek, Mayor of the City of Pasadena, and other honorable VIP guests attended this event. Over 100 guests joined to experience the unique charm of Hunan cuisine together.

Tornek said that Pasadena is a culturally diverse city. The city warmly welcomes “Splendid Hunan” to the United States, which allows people from different backgrounds to learn and enjoy the authentic Hunan culture.

As a highlight of the event series, Hunan Cuisine chefs of “Taste of Hunan” cooked some authentic Hunan dishes, including Mao’s red braised pork belly and Dong’an (boneless) chicken. The chefs also made authentic snacks such as Sugar oil baba and Spicy Crayfish. The three intangible cultural heritage showcases, including Hunan Dark Tea Performance, Xiangtan Shadow Puppetry, Hunan Embroidery, and a photo exhibition allowed the guests to enjoy the diverse and rich culture of Hunan.

Splendid Hunan” also took its steps to Mexico and Dominican Republic, on October 29 and 31, respectively. Chen led his delegates to meet with representatives from the Mexican and Dominican government, cultural tourism associations, travel agencies, and media.

Splendid Hunan” Cultural and Tourism Promotion event series in America has gained significant attention from the society. To learn more about “Splendid Hunan” events, please visit

SOURCE Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

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