
Government plans to make Uttarakhand amongst top 3 tourist destination in India

The state government wants to make Uttarakhand one of the top three tourism destinations in the country by 2030. To achieve this goal, the government has made several changes in its tourism policy. We have taken steps to develop new areas of tourism beyond religious tourism.

To promote tourism in Uttarakhand, the government has given tourism the status of an industry. So that infrastructure can be developed in new tourist destination in the state. At the same time, there are many schemes in 13 districts including tourist destination, home stay scheme, adventure tourism, Tehri lake development, adventure, yoga, wellness spiritual, connecting tourist places with ropeways. Three years of government have been completed. Now these plans are awaited on the ground.

According to the annual report of the Union Ministry of Tourism, an investment of Rs 10 lakh in the tourism sector provides employment to 90 people. Currently Uttarakhand has 12th ranking in the tourism sector in the country. By 2020, the government aims to be among the top ten tourist destinations in the country. The target is to reach the Top Five by 2024 and the Top Three by 2030. To achieve this goal, Uttarakhand has planned to promote tourism in a planned manner.

Promotion of adventure tourism in Tehri lake

Five tourist clusters will be developed to make Tehri Lake a hub of tourism with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded 1210 crore scheme. Adventure in Koti colony and cultural and rural tourism in Tiwar village, heritage of archaeological and organic farming cluster in Madan Negi will be made. The scheme has been approved by the Center.

Target of five thousand home stay this year

The government has launched a home stay scheme to facilitate tourists and prevent migration from the mountains. It is targeted to build five thousand home stays by the end of 2020. So far, loans from banks have been approved for only 32 home stays under the scheme. Around 1600 people have applied for home stay. To encourage home stay, the government has decided to reimburse the seven percent stamp duty through the tourism department.